February 1992, Jewellery Time Issue One. . . The contents included an introduction to clarity grading of diamonds, how coloured gemstones can attract customers and a round-up of Christmas widow displays with the heading, ‘Window on Success’.
Since that first issue Jewellery Time has continued the theme of success. Bringing to readers the very latest local and international news and views re industry members and businesses, as well as personality pieces, market trends and advice from experts.
2020 brought changes. The magazine, with the new title JT, became quarterly – Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. Two years on and the look is still fresh and bright and no doubt about it . . . just as successful.
As the only magazine for the jewellery, gem and watchmaking industry in New Zealand, JT, is the most obvious and affordable choice when decisions are made regarding getting your message across to the trade. It’s an ideal vehicle for fashion and lifestyle advertising to keep readers informed about the latest in the marketplace, as well as new or established services.
Click hereDebbie Whiting
Debbie Whiting has published Jewellery Time magazine for the Jewellers & Watchmakers Assn (JWNZ) since 1991. She has also been a member of the JWNZ's National Council for 21 years, with responsibility for publicity and promotions.
And doing what she does best, Debbie has been involved in the publication of Breeze magazine for over 30 years, the official publication of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron.
Debra Douglas
Debra Douglas, who comes from a background in the newspaper and public relations industries, has been Editor of Jewellery Time for 24 years.
She is also responsible for media releases on behalf of the Jewellers & Watchmakers of New Zealand Inc (JWNZ).
Autumn Issue
Ad Booking / Editorial / New Products: Mid February
Advertising Material: One week later
Magazine Posted: Late February
Winter Issue
Ad Booking / Editorial / New Products: Early May
Advertising Material: Mid May
Magazine Posted: End May
Spring Issue
Ad Booking / Editorial / New Products: Early August
Advertising Material: One week later
Magazine Posted: Mid August
Summer Issue
Ad Booking / Editorial / New Products: Early November
Advertising Material: One week later
Magazine Posted: Mid November
All prices in New Zealand dollars exclusive of GST.
Front Cover $2500
275 x 210mm (Bleed 281 x 216mm)
Back Cover $1600
275 x 210mm (Bleed 281 x 216mm)
Inside Front Cover $1500
275 x 210mm (Bleed 281 x 216mm)
Full Page $1400
275 x 210mm (Bleed 281 x 216mm)
Double Page Spread $2200
275 x 420mm (Bleed 281 x 426mm)
Two Thirds Page $1000
250 x 120mm
Half Page Options $750
Horizontal 120 x 180mm, Vertical 250 x 90mm
Third Page Options $500
Horizontal 80 x 180mm, Vertical 250 x 70mm
Quarter Page $400
120 x 90mm
Fifth Page $325
40 x 180mm
The above rates are for casual display advertising.
A discount of 20% is given for annual contracts of 4 issues.
Directory Advertisements
Standard 85 x 54mm Colour $150
1 year – 4 issues Colour $400
Double 85 x 108mm Colour $300
1 year – 4 issues Colour $800
Digital files only are accepted. High resolution PDF is our preferred format. Open files may be submitted in Macintosh format, InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop. Fonts, logos and illustrations/scans must be included with all open files. All eps files should be supplied with type converted to paths/outlines.
Any design, typesetting, photography or artwork arranged by InkLink Publications will be charged additional to the advertising rate and can be quoted in advance.
Must be received in writing no later than the first of the month prior to publication.
Jewellery Time is published 4 times per year. February, May, August and November.
Available on application and on approval of suitability.
Advertisements are invoiced by InkLink Publications on publication. Accounts are due on the 20th of the month following publication.
Jewellery Time is the official magazine of the Jewellers & Watchmakers of New Zealand Incorporated.
InkLink Publications Ltd. publishes Jewellery Time on behalf of the Jewellers & Watchmakers of New Zealand Incorporated.
The Jewellers & Watchmakers of New Zealand Incorporated reserves the right at any time and without notice or liability to any party cancel, omit or alter any editorial or advertisement and the advertiser agrees to indemnify the Jewellers & Watchmakers of New Zealand Incorporated and the publisher for all damages or liabilities arising from the published material.
The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are purely those of the authors and are not necessarily the official views of the Jewellers & Watchmakers of New Zealand Incorporated nor those of the publisher.
Reproduction rights in part or full of the contents of this magazine must be obtained with the permission of the Jewellers & Watchmakers of New Zealand Incorporated and or the publisher.
Click herePublisher
Debbie Whiting
Telephone: +64 (0)9 378 1222
Mobile: +64 (0)274 777 955
E-mail: inklink@xtra.co.nz
Debra Douglas
Mobile: +64 (0)21 185 6846
E-mail: chaucer@xtra.co.nz